Every year around the time of the Christmas photoshoot, I have people say, “I wish I could do that but my dog could never sit and stay for a photo.” In reality, most dogs who come to me do not know how to sit and stay for a photo. That is what makes this a great combination. I am a dog trainer and I only need your dog to sit and stay for one second in time. I can get your dog to stay. However, having said this, some dogs are easier than others. Some dogs like Timber in the sleigh, arrive, we dress him, he goes where we want, I snap the photo and he leaves with treat crumbs hanging from his jowls.
It’s all done within 15 minutes and most of that is his mom and I chatting and getting him ready. The actual photo usually takes 2 minutes and that is because I am fussing trying to get variety. He stays perfectly still and gives me his best. Other dogs can make me sweat. . . Literally. These are the pups who can destroy a photoset although you would never know that when you see their photo. I feel bad for the parents who are embarrassed about their dog’s behavior and for the pup who is wondering what the heck is going on!!!
By simply taking a few minutes every day to practice a sit-stay, your pup can ROCK their Christmas photo and you BOTH will enjoy the experience! Don’t worry about getting the cute expression. That’s my job. In fact, I have ordered a new duck call and then some new ones like the doe, squirrel, and peacock calls. And if you’ve come before you know I throw things and make ridiculous sounds myself to get those cute faces. If your dog sits and stays, we are home-free! Your Christmas cards will be like no others!
Watch the video below and get started now. When I start taking appointments in the middle of November you and your dog will be MORE than ready!
If you have more than one dog like Notorious, Kash (RIP) and Shady (L to R), I would practice separately to start.
Bring them together if they are getting the hang of it and then and only then do you do a combined sit stay. If your dog already has a sit stay, there is a key piece I want you to check. It’s towards the end of the video. Have a look and then do a check to see if your pup can do the very last piece.
I look forward to seeing you and your pup this year! If you practice the sit-stay with your pup, post a video and tag @PawsitiveConnectionDT on Facebook. You will be entered to win a FREE PHOTO!!!