Many dog owners are concerned about the techniques used to train their dogs because of 3 reasons:
- Some trainers are too harsh (and there is plenty of evidence that outdated training methods – still very common – can cause a lot of damage and setbacks)
- Some trainers aren’t very friendly to people (we love teaching people too! The Owner of Pawsitive Connections even has a Masters Degree in teaching and taught Kindergarten before training dogs professionally.)
- Some training classes and programs they’ve tried just DIDN’T WORK.
We’re proud to be one of the few positive trainers in the area. That means that we rely on methods that are not aversive and instead are gentle and fun.
Dogs don’t need to be scared or yelled at or forced to do things in order to learn.
Our training combines great communication that your dog can understand, practice and patience.
This will also help you and your dog bond, in addition to making sure they listen to you (and the rest of the family too!).
It’s not about PERFECTION, it’s about PROGRESS. We make mistakes, learn from them and move on.
Each dog is unique. Some are motivated by food or toys, while others respond to neither. We will dig in out tool box and find positive alternatives that work for you and your dog.
Our approach is based on our love of dogs.
A strong understanding of how dogs learn, a little positive reinforcement, and a whole lotta love—it all goes a long way to develop a trusting relationship.
Dogs, like humans, need to repetitively practice their skills to build strong, reliable behaviors.
It’s not about how much time you spend practicing. It’s repetition that makes progress!
Achieving clear, concise and consistent communication between you and your pet moves the training process along quickly.
Learn how to connect the vocabulary you use with the behavior you’re seeking!
Keeping activities engaging and upbeat captures your dog’s attention, avoids boredom, and maintains enthusiasm for learning.
End each training session on a positive note. This will affirm your dog’s success and you’ll both be motivated to continue working and playing together!
Train Your Dog
Call us at:
(509) 202-0587
6522 E 1st Ave
Spokane Valley, WA 99212